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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, Remaining Stages, House of Commons, 13 December 2022

We are deeply concerned that the proposed risk-mitigation measures in clause 71 of the Bill potentially give the Secretary of State significant powers to intervene in a local authority. There is a danger that the formula-based approach outlined in the Bill could impact more widely than intended. It is vital that the Government undertakes full engagement with the sector, including full consultation before enacting the regulations arising from the Bill.

Business rates and Levelling Up, House of Commons,13 December 2022

Business rates account for around a quarter of all council spending power and can help towards the Government’s levelling up ambition.

Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement 2023/24 On the Day Briefing

This briefing covers the provisional local government finance settlement for 2023/24 which was announced on 19 December 2022.

LGA submission to the 2023/24 Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement

While the Local Government Association welcomes an overall increase in baseline funding for local authorities, we express concern that a significant proportion of the increase in core spending power for 2023/24 has been achieved through a combination of potentially one-off grants, ring-fenced funding, re-allocation of existing funding, and the assumption that local authorities will implement council tax increases. We continue to make the case for multi-year settlements and for more long-term certainty around funding and budgets.

Final Local Government Finance Settlement 2023/24, House of Commons, 8 February 2023

While the LGA welcomes an overall increase in baseline funding for local authorities, are concerned that a significant proportion of the increase in core spending power for 2023/24 has been achieved through a combination of potentially one-off grants, ring-fenced funding, re-allocation of existing funding, and the assumption that local authorities will implement council tax increases. We continue to make the case for multi-year settlements and for more long-term certainty around funding and budgets.

LGA response DLUHC request for views on deadline draft unaudited accounts

The 31 May deadline should be extended to 30 June for preparing draft (unaudited) accounts for the 2022/23 year and onwards until the current crisis in local audit has been resolved .

Spring Budget 2023: On-the-Day Briefing

Our Spring Budget 2023 On-the-Day briefing summarises the key announcements for councils and provides an initial LGA view

Council tax valuation of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) March 2023

The Local Government Association (LGA) is here to support, promote and improve local government. We will fight local government's corner and support councils through challenging times by making the case for greater devolution, helping councils tackle their challenges and assisting them to deliver better value for money services. This response has been agreed by Lead Members of the LGA Resources Board.

Non-Domestic Rating Bill, Second Reading, House of Commons, 24 April 2023

The Non-Domestic Rating Bill implements a number of changes to the system of non-domestic rates (known as business rates) in England and Wales.

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Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

5 hours ago