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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Debate on tackling climate change, protecting the environment and securing global development, House of Commons, 10 July 2019

The ability of local government to take the lead on climate change is restricted by financial constraints on councils, a lack of devolved powers, challenges with monitoring and implementation and a lack of awareness of the agenda.

Outcome of government consultations on the waste and resources strategy and the plastic packaging tax, September 2019

In February 2019 Defra set out proposals for the implementation of a new waste and resources strategy. The LGA consulted extensively with member councils on the proposals and responded to each of the consultations.

Environment Bill Second Reading, House of Commons, 23 October 2019

The measures in the Bill seek to establish a new system of green governance and accountability; drive a shift in maximising resource efficiency; enable greater local action on air pollution; secure long-term, resilient water and wastewater services; create or restore wildlife habitats; and give the Secretary of State the power to amend legislation regulating the use of chemicals.

Environmental Bill, Second Reading, House of Commons, 28 October 2019

The LGA has long called for retailers and manufacturers to pay for recycling and disposing of packaging in household waste. We welcome the commitment in the Bill to do this but it does not provide enough details for councils to assess the financial and service impacts of the reforms.

Agriculture Bill, Second Reading, House of Commons, 3 February 2020

The Bill does not consider how this rural growth component fits into the proposed land management system, or how it will link to the forthcoming UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). This funding is too important to rural areas to fall through the gaps of the new system. We would recommend the Government clarify, through this legislation and guidance, how new growth funding arrangements will be incorporated into post-EU funding.

Technological and lifestyle efforts to address climate change and meet the 2050 net zero carbon emissions target - House of Lords, 6 February 2020

Technological and lifestyle efforts have an important role to play in addressing climate change and meeting the net zero target, but responsibility cannot rest with individuals alone. Compelling, appropriate and affordable sustainable alternatives must be available to the general public to enable them to make sustainable choices.

Environment Bill, Second Reading, House of Commons, 26 February 2020

We have some concerns about the implementation of certain provisions within the Bill, and the new burdens that will be imposed on councils as a result. A key example is the expected increased burden on planning departments. Local government will need to acquire new skills and be given the appropriate resources, to deliver on the ambitious plans in the Bill. 

Debate on energy efficiency measures in buildings to achieve net zero, House of Commons, 26 February 2020

We support the intention of the Government’s proposals to future-proof new build homes with low carbon heating and world-leading levels of energy efficiency. The Government’s manifesto commitment for a £3.8 billion capital Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund is positive. We look forward to working with the Government to ensure effective implementation.

Investing in and embracing a Green Economy, House of Lords, 12 March 2020

The LGA is committed to supporting local government to continue on this journey, and our climate change hub brings together an overview of our sector-led improvement offer of support to help councils continue to provide strong local leadership on this important issue.

Post-COVID-19 recovery strategies that will contribute to a fairer, cleaner, and more sustainable economy, House of Lords, Thursday 11 June 2020

We need to continue to improve air quality, protect against flooding, and ensure our transport, planning, waste and energy policies are sustainable. The LGA is committed to supporting local government to continue on this journey, particularly as we begin the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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