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Community safety survey 2016

The survey was conducted by the LGA's Research and Information team in October-November 2016 in order to gather information about how community safety partnerships (CSP)/county strategy groups (CSG) and councils' community safety services currently operate, some of the key challenges for effective delivery, and the response of the sector to these challenges to date.

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The survey was sent to all 375 local authorities in England and Wales and 107 (29 per cent) responded.

Some of the main findings are summarised below:

  • 75 per cent of respondents identified domestic violence/violence against women and girls as one of the five main priorities of their CSP/CSG. This was followed by 64 per cent for anti-social behaviour and 45 per cent for drug/alcohol/substance misuse.
  • 99 per cent of respondents indicated that the police service had influenced their CSP/CSG's current priorities to either a great or moderate extent. The proportion was also high for their own local authority (98 per cent) and police and crime commissioners (76 per cent).
  • 97 per cent of respondents indicated that they directly employed staff engaged in community staff functions. The median average number was 3.4 full-time equivalents. Just over two-thirds of respondents (68 per cent) indicated that the number of staff had decreased since 2010.
  • 84 per cent of respondents were either very or fairly confident that their CSP/CSG would deliver against its priorities in its current partnership plan/county community safety agreement.

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