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The LGA housing commission final report

Building our homes, communities and future

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At the LGA Annual Conference in July 2016 we published the preliminary findings from the commission. Since then we have sought to take forward solutions, we have been impressed and proud of the work underway in the sector, and encouraged by the initial response from the Government. The Autumn Statement's confirmation of additional investment and flexibility for councils to help build affordable homes, and to invest in infrastructure linked to housing growth both reflect central asks from the preliminary findings.

This final report sets out further detail, and sets out some of our key asks in advance of the Housing White Paper. But it is not the end of our work. The LGA will continue to develop these ideas with the sector, building up the case for policy change where it is needed, and capturing and sharing innovations that will help councils in their efforts to meet housing need. Nor is it the limit of our work, as we step up our efforts to support councils to reduce homelessness.