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LGA position paper: principles underpinning good careers advice and guidance

Five guiding principles underpinning a good careers system for all ages

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Last year, the Parliamentary Sub-Committee Inquiry on Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance shone a light on the problem with the careers system, making a number of recommendations and concluding : inadequate careers guidance in many English schools is exacerbating skills shortages and having a negative impact on the country's productivity.

Our discussions with councils also reveal that provision is complex, patchy and fragmented. 

We want to support the government to ensure that the careers offer matches the needs of local residents and employers through devolved employment and skills provision. 

Based on the analysis of the careers landscape and discussions with councils, this paper sets out what we would see as the five guiding principles underpinning a good careers system for all ages and the role we would like to see councils play.