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The lives we want to lead | Consultation response analysis

The adult social care green paper consultation received hundreds of responses and in this document, we examine the responses.

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The main green paper consultation launched on 31 July 2018 and closed in early October

2018. It posed a series of 30 questions across five main themes:

  • Delivering and improving wellbeing (question 1)
  • Setting the scene – the case for change (questions 2 to 9)
  • The options for change (questions 10 to 20)
  • Adult social care and wider wellbeing (questions 21 to 23)
  • Adult social care and the NHS (questions 24 to 30)

In addition, summary and easy read versions of the main consultation posed 12 questions across the themes. The questions asked across all three documents are set out in Annex A.

The online forms captured responses to each question in an Excel spreadsheet. A qualitative analysis was undertaken for each question, with responses reviewed for emerging themes and then systematically coded in Excel according to those themes.