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The Independent Group Annual Report 2024 thumbnail

The Independent Group Annual Report 2024

2024: a year in review

​​Engaging with MPs: A communications toolkit

This toolkit is designed to support councils and combined authorities in their engagement with Members of Parliament elected at the 2024 General Election.

Our 100 offers to the new government

These are our offers to be made in the first 100 days of a new government.

Partners in Care and Health thumbnail

Care Quality Commission assessments for adult social care: Must know guide for lead members

This ‘must know’ guide provides background on the Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessment process for lead members and includes information on the background, the process and how to prepare for the assessment. This guide will be updated as we learn more about the assessment process and lead members’ role in it.

View allAdult social care articles
Decorative thumbnail

Local government capacity survey: Finance

This report shows quantitative and qualitative finance workforce data highlighting challenges in recruiting, developing and retaining staff across all finance disciplines, and increasing pressures facing finance teams.

Partners in Care and Health thumbnail

Developing a housing with support pipeline for people with a learning disability and autistic people

The framework focuses on the development of housing with support for people who are Care Act eligible, as well as people with moderate or low needs who are ineligible for statutory services. 

View allAdult social care articles
Decorative thumbnail

Local government capacity survey: Adult social care

This report highlights quantitative and qualitative adult social care workforce data showing challenges in recruiting, developing and retaining staff across the different adult social care specialisms, and increasing pressures facing adult social care teams.

View allAdult social care articles
Decorative thumbnail

Local government capacity survey: Environmental health

This report highlights challenges in recruiting, developing and retaining staff across the different environmental health specialisms, and increasing pressures facing environmental health teams.

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Local government capacity survey: Building control

This report shows quantitative and qualitative building control workforce data, and highlights challenges in recruiting, developing and retaining staff across all building control disciplines, and the increasing pressures facing building control teams.

View allHousing and planning articles
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Local government capacity survey: IT

This report is in response to heads of IT highlighting challenges in recruiting, developing and retaining staff across all IT disciplines, and increasing pressures facing IT teams. All heads of IT in all English councils were asked to complete an online survey.

View allDigital connectivity articles

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Make It Local

To deliver priorities for the public the Government needs to #MakeItLocal

Make It Local

In 2024 we will have a General Election. This is a moment of opportunity.


Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

5 hours ago