Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

Ukraine: lessons learned

Councils are required to carry out housing and safeguarding checks to ensure Homes for Ukraine accommodation is of a suitable standard and that guests arriving in the UK will be safe. Below are just some of the early examples of approaches taken by councils to these checks.

Good practice examples/resources

  • Buckinghamshire Council
  • Devon County Council
  • Lancaster City Council
  • South Derbyshire District Council

More good practice examples across asylum and resettlement can be found in our case studies.

Examples of effective partnership working between councils and their voluntary and community sector

Examples of effective partnership working between councils and their voluntary and community sector

We know many councils already work closely with their local voluntary and community sector (the “VCSE”) and many of the existing strategic and operational partnerships between councils and their local VCSE were strengthened during the pandemic

The VCSE are playing an active role in the ‘matching’ process between sponsors and Ukrainians via the homes for Ukraine scheme. This sector are also one of the critical local and regional partners in developing support to both sponsors and to Ukrainians. More information on the broader role of councils can be found on the Homes for Ukraine council guidance.

Below are some live examples of different ways councils and their local voluntary and community sector are working with one another in response to this crisis. Please note that these live examples could be updated when partnerships develop further.