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Other issues in local government finance

A wide range of issues impact on operational local government finance. The LGA monitors policy developments to assess their effects on local government finance, responding to consultations and working with central government and other bodies to ensure the impacts of changes are understood and fully funded.


We respond to consultations from central government departments, as well as bodies such as the Chartered Institute Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), on a variety of issues which affect local government finance.

LGA response to the call for evidence by the Redmond Review

LGA response to the NAO consultation on the Code of Audit Practice (Stage Two)

National Audit Office, Local Audit in England Code of Audit Practice Consultation 


National Audit Office, Auditor Guidance Note 03 (AGN 03) Auditors’ Work on Value for Money (VFM) Arrangements – consultation

National Audit Office, Auditor Guidance Note 03 (AGN 03) Auditors’ Work on Value for Money (VFM) Arrangements – consultation response September 2020

Cipfa Financial Management Code consultation


HM Treasury - Breathing space scheme: consultation on a policy proposal


Review of the 2014 enforcement agent reforms introduced by the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 - Call for evidence 


Response to the consultation on 2019/20 scale of audit fees

Response to the consultation on mitigating the impact of fair value movements on pooled investment funds on local authority budget

Local authority budget setting: mitigating the impact of fair value movements on pooled investment funds 

Consultation on CIPFA index of resilience for English councils

LGA submission - Financial resilience index consultation final

Briefing on revised investment guidance and MRP guidance

Updated statutory guidance on capital finance local government investments and minimum revenue provision published by MHCLG

DCLG consultation on proposed changes to the prudential framework of capital finance

LGA response (December 2017)

Cipfa Prudential code consultation

Cipfa Treasury Management code consultation

LGA response (September 2017)

Review of Treasury Management Code of Practice and Prudential Code for Capital Finance (CIPFA)

LGA response (April 2017)

ONS Consultation on Sub National public sector finances

Sub regional public sector finances scoping study

LGA Submission (September 2017)

Consultation on The Personal Injury Discount Rate: How it should be set in future (Ministry of Justice)

LGA response (April 2017)

Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2 (Financial Conduct Authority)

LGA response (January 2017)

LGA statement (July 2017)

Guidance for Councils 

External Audit Work Programme and scale of fees 2017/18 (Public Sector Audit Appointments)

LGA response (January 2017)

Local Infrastructure Rate (HM Treasury)

LGA response (January 2017)

New Homes Bonus: Sharpening the Incentive Technical Consultation (DCLG)

LGA response (March 2016)