Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

Document library

Key documents produced by Government, the LGA and other organisations to help flood risk practitioners and other risk management organisations with their flood risk management responsibilities.

These documents can also be found in the library section of the Knowledge Hub. The LGA's Knowledge Hub provides a secure online knowledge sharing platform for councillors and officers to connect, communicate and share learning with peers across local government. You do not need to have registered on Knowledge Hub to access these documents.

To access and join in with the online discussion forum for flood risk practitioners known as FlowNet you will need to register.


Appraisal of flood and coastal risk management

Climate change support for local authorities: a directory of national and regional support

Designing for Exceedance in Urban Drainage – Good practice

Environment Agency's Flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM) report for England

Flood and Water Management Act 2010

Factsheet - Flood and Water Management Act 2010 – Section 30/Schedule 1 (Designation of Features)

Flood Defence Construction Projects 2012/13

Flood resilience and resistance for critical infrastructure (C688)

Future Water

Guide to obtaining flood insurance in high risk areas

Implementation of the FRM (Scotland) Act 2009 – Briefing 3

Land Drainage Responsibilities

LGA Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management bulletin December 2012

Living on the Edge – guidance for riverside property owners (updated 2012)

Making Space for Water

National FCERM Strategy for England

National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management in Wales

Shoreline Management Plan Guidance – Vol 1

Shoreline Management Plan Guidance – Vol 2

Statement of Obligations

The Catchment-based approach newsletter – Spring 2012

The Pitt Review – lessons learned from the 2007 summer flood

The third Commencement Order of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010

Water cycle study guidance

Water Framework Directive

Local flood risk management

Defra Surface Water Management Plans Technical Guidance

Environment Agency briefing: Progress update on Surface Water Flood Mapping - May 2012

Environment Agency briefing: Progress update on Surface Water Flood Mapping - October 2012

Flood map for surface water update 

Updating flood map for surface water - views requested on publication

Flood Risk Management Plans - consultation response briefing note

Framework to assist the development of the Local Strategy for Flood Risk Management (A living document)

Flood Risk Management: an introduction and checklist for local authorities

Integrated Urban Drainage Pilot Study Summary Report

LLFA Duty to Maintain a register

LLFA Consenting and Enforcement Responsibilities

LLFA Consenting and Enforcement Responsibilities – Transitional Arrangements

Partnership for Urban South Hampshire Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment Final Guidance

Scrutiny of flooding toolkit

SUDs and SABs

Drainage strategy framework

National Standards for Sustainable Drainage

Rural Sustainable Drainage Systems (RSuDS)

SuDs Manual

Sustainable Drainage Systems: Promoting good practice – a CIRIA initiative

Spatial planning

Code for Sustainable Homes: Technical Guidance

Groundwater Emergence maps (Executive Summary and Maps)

Planning Policy Statement 25

WAPUG Integrated Urban Drainage Modelling Guide 2009

Emergency planning

Civil Contingencies Act: a short guide

Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Response and Recovery

The National Flood Emergency Framework for England


Draft Strategy for skills and capacity building in local authorities and local flood risk management


Distribution of the Flooding Component of the General Capital Grant for Spending Review 2011 – Guidance for local authorities

Flood and Coastal Resilience Partnership Funding – introduction

Flood and Coastal Resilience Partnership Funding Policy Statement

Flood and coastal risk management in England – long-term investment strategy

FWMA 2010 and EU Floods Directive Funding Local Authority burdens: Spending Review 2010 outcome

Grant Memorandum 2011 for local authorities and internal drainage boards

Guidance note 1 – April 2011 for local authorities and internal drainage boards approval of flood risk management and coastal erosion studies, strategies and projects

Partnership funding and collaborative delivery of local flood risk management: a practical resource for LLFAs

LGA papers

Flood funding: Evidence from the LGA on flooding

Flood Funding: Supplementary written evidence submitted by LGA
