LGA responds to Simpler Recycling announcement

Public satisfaction with local waste services remains very high, which councils have worked hard to achieve. What works in urban centres is different to rural communities.

Cllr Adam Hug, environment spokesperson for the LGA said: “We are pleased the Government has listened to the LGA and decided to allow councils to return some of the flexibilities in how collect waste from people’s homes. 

"Public satisfaction with local waste services remains very high, which councils have worked hard to achieve. What works in urban centres is different to rural communities.

“However, the separate collection of paper and card will require additional resource and time for implementation from April 2026, it’s also very important different councils have local flexibility where the additional bin is not practical for instance due to inadequate space. 

"We remain concerned with plans to require businesses to follow new recycling rules from next April, as awareness and readiness remain low which creates risks for councils. We believe there should be a one year delay to align with household recycling changes.”