Visit our devolution and LGR hub for the latest information, support and resources
Bringing together information and resources on devolution and local government reorganisation for public and local authorities.
Devolution will provide greater freedoms and flexibilities at a local level, meaning councils can work more effectively to improve public services for their area. The result will be more effective, better targeted public services, greater growth and stronger partnerships between public, private and community leaders in local areas.
Local government reorganisation (LGR)
The government has announced that it will facilitate a programme of local government reorganisation for two-tier areas and for those unitary councils where there is evidence of failure or where their size or boundaries may be hindering their ability to deliver sustainable and high-quality services for their residents.
Proposed reforms in the White Paper will have a significant impact on every council and community. We remain clear that local government reorganisation should be a matter for councils and local areas to decide. There are differing directions of travel underlining the diverse range of views about devolution and local government reorganisation that exist within the local government sector. The LGA will continue to respect each perspective and each choice equally.
For further information regarding Devolution or LGR please contact [email protected].
To learn more about support available, please contact our LGA principal advisers and regional teams.
Featured pages

Devolution and local government resources
The brings together resources and information for councils to use and share.

Devolution and local government reorganisation frequently asked questions
A list of frequently asked questions on devolution and local government reorganisation.

Devolution and local government reorganisation glossary
A list of terms about devolution and local government reorganisation and their meanings.