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Social care workforce plan needed - LGA on Skills for Care report

“While it is positive to see the size of the social care workforce increasing, we know that issues remain with a huge number of vacancies unfilled."

Responding to the Skills for Care Size and Structure, 2023 report, Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said: 

“While it is positive to see the size of the social care workforce increasing, we know that issues remain with a huge number of vacancies unfilled. Our incredible social care staff go to extraordinary lengths to provide vital care and support to millions of people, despite facing immense challenges.

“Social care faces a huge recruitment and retention crisis, the demands on which will only increase unless care vacancies are filled. A dedicated plan to promote, protect, support and develop careers in social care, alongside better pay, terms and conditions, would both strengthen the wellbeing and recognition of those who work in this essential vocation, as well as benefit the people who draw on care.”