‘Ten-year sexual health strategy needed’ – LGA on sexual and reproductive health services stats

Councils are working tirelessly to improve access to contraception and other sexual health services, including expanding online consultations, establishing dedicated women’s health hubs, and improving services for under-served communities.

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Responding to the sexual and reproductive health services statistics published by NHS Digital today, Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said: 

"Councils are working tirelessly to improve access to contraception and other sexual health services, including expanding online consultations, establishing dedicated women’s health hubs, and improving services for under-served communities. However, rising demand, coupled with declining funding, is making this essential work unsustainable, putting services at breaking point. 

“We are calling on the Government to launch a 10-year sexual health strategy to tackle these challenges and use the upcoming Autumn Budget to invest in the public health grant, which funds vital preventative services like sexual and reproductive health.”