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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Richmond Park at sunrise

LGA responds to Nature Recovery plan

“Councils in our cities, towns and rural areas understand better than anyone the importance of protecting and preserving green spaces. They are at the heart of driving positive change in their communities."

Rampion offshore wind farm off the Sussex coast

LGA responds to PAC report on Net Zero

“Our ambitious plans show how councils can go further and faster tackling climate change, and as our polling shows, councils are the ones who are trusted the most to get on and deliver for their residents."


LGA responds to annual waste collection statistics

“These figures are testament to the hard work of councils in maintaining levels of recycling and diverting millions of tonnes of waste going to landfill, especially during the pressures of lockdown restrictions"

Men building a solar panel

COP26: Green economy could see nearly 700,000 green jobs created by 2030

Nearly 700,000 new green jobs could be created by 2030 if councils are given a greater role in local job creation, the Local Government Association sets out today.

Wind turbines on a hill in the distance

COP26 – Councils trusted most to lead the fight against climate change – new survey finds

The LGA’s survey found 40 per cent of residents trusted their council most to address the climate emergency, followed by the Government (28 per cent) and world leaders (15 per cent).

wind turbines in a field at sunset

LGA responds to Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee report into local government and net zero

"It is absolutely crucial that councils are at the forefront of the national response to climate change and we need the Government to work in partnership with local authorities to continue shaping local areas and help to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 or sooner."


LGA: Universal free garden waste collections ‘unnecessary’ and not solution to reducing landfill

"The proposals risk having an adverse impact on local roads, increasing traffic, and pumping out more carbon emissions and making air pollution worse."

Universal free garden waste collections ‘unnecessary’ and not solution to reducing landfill

“The proposals risk having an adverse impact on local roads, increasing traffic, and pumping out more carbon emissions and making air pollution worse. At the very least if the Government is to proceed, it should fully fund it in the Spending Review.”


LGA responds to government’s Net Zero Strategy

"As leaders of local communities, only councils can mobilise and join up the collective action to achieve net zero in our villages, towns, and cities, and are able to impact on more than a third of local emissions through housing, transport and the natural environment."

Aerial shot of houses

LGA - Climate emergency: Invest in councils to green retrofit over 1,000 homes a day

“From decarbonising building stock, reducing the number of car journeys and delivering clean energy projects, councils have influence over a third of emissions from their areas and have a pivotal role to play in addressing the climate emergency.”