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Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Board

Gloucestershire County Council, Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS providers are coterminous with One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (ICS), a second-wave ICS which covers around 635,000 people. This case study forms part of our integrated care systems (ICS) resource.

Partners in Gloucestershire already have a well-developed approach to joint commissioning, shared delivery and aligned budgets. Positive relationships and building trust are seen as fundamental to making progress, and there is also an emphasis on engaging with and enabling communities and individuals. Gloucestershire HWB works closely with the ICS board and has seven members in common.

Following an LGA system peer review in 2018, the HWB and the joint health and wellbeing strategy (JHWS) are being developed to focus on issues where partners can add the greatest value by working together. Rather than just receiving reports from others, the HWB promotes collective action on shared priorities. Recent examples include tackling self-harm and adverse childhood experiences, and future priorities will include social isolation and housing.

“I am pleased with the progress Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) has made in the last two years. Our focus is, and will continue to be, where we can collectively add value to the system and improve outcomes for the population of Gloucestershire. The HWB’s close alignment with One Gloucestershire integrated care system (ICS) has enabled us to focus our work in a place-based way that avoids the need for multiple plans and governance structures.”

Councillor Roger Wilson, Chair, Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Board, and Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Adults

The new JHWS will take a place-based approach which sets out the overall health and wellbeing framework for six integrated locality partnerships, which are largely aligned with district council boundaries and involve voluntary and community groups and wider stakeholders. These partnerships will continue to develop place-based solutions to health and wellbeing priorities identified in the JHWS, working with around 14 primary care networks, which are developing from established primary care clusters.

Each locality partnership will develop a ‘place plan’ setting out local needs and priorities for integrated health and care, and for promoting health and wellbeing within the overall frameworks of the JHWS and ICS long-term plan requirements. Work will take place to ensure alignment with district plans. The joint strategic needs assessment has been developed to cover improved health information at district level, and data packs have been provided as a basis for this work. Each locality partnership will develop local approaches to delivery dependent on the specific needs of the area; for instance, in Gloucester there is a strong emphasis on asset-based community development to tackle deprivation.

Future work will build on existing shared approaches, including the community wellbeing service, which stems from a comprehensive approach to social prescribing and was informed by the learning from the village and community agents service.


Sarah Scott, Director of Public Health

[email protected]