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Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board

Nottinghamshire County Council is part of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS) and South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw ICS. Discussions are taking place as to how the HWB and the ICS boards will work together, and on the configuration of integrated care partnerships within the ICSs. This case study forms part of our integrated care systems (ICS) resource.

Nottinghamshire’s well-established health and wellbeing board (HWB) undertook a review of its joint health and wellbeing strategy (JHWS) to establish a strategic focus on place, communities and the wider determinants of health. It wanted to make sure that its work was underpinned by clear delivery mechanisms that would allow it to monitor impact and outcomes, and that it was positioned to oversee health, care and wellbeing developments within the county.

Following public consultation, the JHWS set out a new vision and a strategic framework with four ambitions: to give everyone a good start, to develop healthy and sustainable places, to make healthier decisions and to work together to improve health and care services.

For example, within the ‘healthy and sustainable places’ ambition, existing place-based groups in the seven districts and boroughs joined up local action to build on the strengths of local communities. The groups involve a wide range of partners – district councils, the county council, NHS and other public organisations, the voluntary and community sector and local people. Examples include place-based food initiatives, insight work into barriers to physical activity, and community resilience. The work is coordinated through a healthy and sustainable places coordination group, which reports into the HWB and provides a direct conduit between the board and local communities.

Nottinghamshire County Council is part of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS) and South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw ICS. Discussions are taking place as to how the HWB and the ICS boards will work together, and on the configuration of integrated care partnerships within the ICSs.

Nottinghamshire HWB is committed to ensuring that place is central to planning and delivery and that local government is a full partner in any new arrangements. Work is taking place to identify and maximise opportunities – for example, how measures to tackle the wider determinants of health, such as social isolation and homelessness, can align with the work of the integrated health and care neighbourhood teams and emerging primary care networks. The principles of building on community strengths and identifying local solutions used in the healthy and sustainable places ambition will link to this work.

“The current transformation in health and social care is the biggest change since Nye Bevan created the NHS in 1948. As a GP at the coal face of primary care and the developing primary care networks, a borough and county councillor and Chairman of the Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB), I have a unique perspective. To me, this is a fantastic opportunity to improve outcomes for communities and individuals, but it is essential that local government is fully involved. We need to join up measures to improve population health with community development and integrated health and care delivery at the levels of system, place and neighbourhood. Health and wellbeing boards have a central role in making this happen.”

Councillor Dr John Doddy, Chair, Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board

For more information contact

Nicola Lane, Public Health & Commissioning Manager: [email protected]