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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Commissioning housing support for people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness - Warrington Borough Council

Warrington Borough Council commissioned several organisations to provide accommodation-based and floating support to people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness.

Delivering modern services for local people | London Borough of Brent, Northwick Park

The Brent Partnership brings together four partners, with the aim of delivering private and affordable housing, shared teaching space, and improving hospital and university services and facilities.

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Blaby District Council: delivering affordable housing through joint working with emh group

The group has developed 439 affordable homes in the district across a range of tenures since 2008.

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Watford Borough Council: housing supply joint venture

The primary purposes of the partnership are to encourage housing supply, particularly social housing, and to advance the objectives of the Council and Watford Community Homes.

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Wakefield Council: Bridge Homes

The decision for Wakefield Council and WDH to join forces was a natural one. Wakefield Council has set a very challenging target in its Local Plan and WDH has a wealth of experience and expertise in developing new homes.

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Eastleigh Borough Council: bringing skills and assets together to build in partnership

The partnership came from Eastleigh having an appetite to deliver new housing and having access to land and finance but without a development and housing management capability.

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Gateshead Council: housing and regeneration joint venture

The project has allowed the regeneration of urban brownfield sites. The Council consistently relied on government funding to facilitate development of challenging urban brownfield sites for the last thirty years. This new joint venture model removed the need for government subsidy.

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Greater Manchester: housing joint venture

Development figures for 2018/19 as a partnership have been 2841 planning consents, 2145 starts on site and 1920 completions. It is hoped that the joint venture will contribute 500 homes a year to this total.

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Rethinking Health Provision | Delivery of Sexual Health Services in Leicester

Region: North East, Yorkshire and Humber, East Midlands Theme: Health and social care (in OPE)

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Strategic Housing Delivery | The West of England Joint Assets Board

Region: South West Theme: Housing (in OPE)

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