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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Leeds City Council and the alcohol licensing data matrix 

Within Leeds, there are some areas which have high levels of alcohol-related harm and alcohol-related anti-social behaviour (ASB). This data led to Leeds’ licensing and public health teams working together to develop an alcohol licensing data matrix.

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Manchester City Council: Security and licensing

Following the tragic Manchester Arena terror attack in 2017, at which 22 people lost their lives, Manchester City Council proactively took steps to embed the principles of Martyn’s Law within the existing licensing framework to enhance and promote public safety in places and spaces where licensable activities take place in Manchester.

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Scrap metal licensing case studies

The Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 gave councils the responsibility for the licensing of scrap metal dealers and collectors, as well as the enforcement of the licensing regime alongside the police.

Water safety and licensing in Northumbria

Water safety has always been a priority for Northumbria Police. When the hospitality sector reopened following its closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many pubs, restaurants and bars began to encourage customers to eat and drink outside. In areas like Newcastle and Gateshead, this meant that many people were drinking next to the Quayside. Unfortunately, on warm days this led to a significant increase in reports of people participating in unsafe activity in the water, such as ‘tombstoning’ and jumping into the water with glasses full of alcohol.

Luton Borough Council and the National Register of Licence Revocations and Refusals (NR3)

NR3 has a simple objective of providing a mechanism for licensing authorities to record details of where a taxi or PHV drivers licence has been revoked, or an application for one refused.

Reopening Westminster’s hospitality sector

The challenges in reopening hospitality in Westminster are very similar to those faced by local authorities across the country. This case study summarises how Westminster Council responded to these challenges in a coordinated way.

The Greater Manchester Regulatory Centre of Excellence

The Greater Manchester Regulatory Centre of Excellence has created a unique partnership offering regulatory support and advice to businesses, mainly through the provision of primary authority partnerships. However, the partnership had always wanted to offer more for businesses both to ensure greater compliance and generate additional income for the local authorities and fire service. This case study forms part of the productivity experts resource.

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Christchurch and East Dorset online licensing project report

Partners Christchurch and East Dorset Councils identified licencing as an area of high demand and volume, with the majority of the process being handled offline.

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Reducing the strength: Guidance for councils considering setting up a scheme

Councils have multiple roles in relation to the sale, consumption and impact of alcohol in their local areas.

Case study - Gambling regulation: Councillor handbook (England and Wales)

The LGA has revised and updated its councillor handbook on gambling. Many councils have significant concerns about betting shop clustering and the use of Fixed Odds Betting Terminals. While councils may not have the powers many would like in this area, there is nevertheless a range of tools they can use to shape local gambling regulation.