The LGA Independent Group elects to its leadership every two years via an online ballot.
The LGA Independent Group elects to its leadership every two years via an online ballot. All LGA Independent Group members are entitled to vote. The LGA Independent Group Leadership represents the Group within the LGA, to central government, to our membership and to the general public.
The LGA Independent Group elects to the following roles:
- LGA Independent Group Leader, Vice-Chair of the LGA and Director of the LGA
- LGA Independent Group Deputy Leader and Director of the LGA
- LGA Independent Group Treasurer
The next leadership elections will take place in June 2024.
Group Leader, Group Deputy Leader and Group Treasurer
Issued by Claire Holloway, Returning Officer to the Independent Group Elections 2023.
- As set out in our Constitution, the LGA Independent Group typically elects the roles of Group Leader, Deputy Leader and Treasurer for two-year terms.
- Elections for these posts will take place during May and June 2023.
- This Guidance makes the following provisions in respect of the elections’ process:
a) Every Independent Group Member whose authority is in membership of the LGA will be eligible to stand and vote.
b) In the event of there being more than one nomination for a position, an electronic ballot will be held.
c) Each member of the Independent Group will receive one vote for each of the positions up for election.
d) The Returning Officer (RO) is charged with ensuring the integrity of the ballot is maintained.
e) The decision of the RO will be final.
Eligibility and process to stand for election
Any Councillor from an authority in membership of the LGA and able to receive support from the Independent Group is eligible to stand.
Nomination form
To become nominated as a candidate, the member needs to submit a completed Nomination Form to the RO by 5pm on Monday 29 May 2023. Nomination Forms will be available on the Group website from Tuesday 9 May 2023.
- The Nomination Form must contain the names, authority address and be signed by three nominators. Scanned or digitalised signatures will be accepted.
a) Nominators must be Councillors able to receive support from the LGA Independent Group and must sit on separate authorities.
b) One of the nominators can be a fellow member serving on the same authority as the member being nominated, provided they are from a political affiliation able to receive support from the LGA Independent Group. - The member standing for nomination and his/her nominators must be serving Councillors at the time of close of nominations in order to stand nominated for election.
Consent to Nomination
The Nomination Form must be accompanied by the signed ‘Consent to Nomination’ section, from the member standing to be nominated (part B of the Nomination Form). Scanned or digitalised signatures will be accepted.
Multiple nominations
- The member may be nominated for more than one post up for election. In such cases the member will be required to advise the RO, in writing, prior to the despatch of ballot papers, which post he/she would like to fill should he/she be successful in winning more than one post.
- In situations where the point above applies, a candidate who is successful in winning more than one post will take up the declared post and the candidate with the second highest number of votes for the other post(s) shall be elected to the other post(s).
Withdrawal of nominations
- There will be a 24-hour period following the close of nominations at 5pm on Monday 29 May until 5pm on Tuesday 30 May during which candidates can withdraw their nomination.
- A Provisional Statement of Persons Nominated will be provided by Midday Tuesday 30 May to all candidates who stand nominated at 5pm on Monday 29 May.
- The final Statement of Persons Nominated will be published on the Independent Group’s website by 5pm on Wednesday 31 May.
Personal statement, campaign item and campaigning
- The formal election period will begin on Monday 5 June - 21 days before close of ballot. Rules governing campaigning set out in paragraphs 2.17 to 2.26 will apply from this date.
- During the election period all Group business will be communicated to Members via Independent Group officers. This includes all think tank activity.
- Each candidate will be entitled to submit a Personal Statement of not more than two sides of an A4 sheet, to be with the online ballot papers for voting members. This must be submitted to the Office of the RO in MS Word or PDF format by 11am on Monday 5 June.
- Each candidate is also entitled to submit one electronic item of campaign material (a file or link to a secure online platform – please see guidance for more information) to be place with the online ballot paper for voting members. This must also be submitted to the Office of the RO by 11am on Monday 5 June.
- The design and content of both the Personal Statement and the campaign item is to be determined by the nominee. Videos should include captions. All items should be considered accessible an easy to read/understand.
- The Personal Statement should not make any false statements about the personal character or conduct of a candidate in order to affect the return of a candidate at election.
The Independent Group Office staff, the Returning Officer or any other persons engaged in the work of the LGA must not be asked to assist in the creation of Personal Statements or campaign materials.
Campaigning - The Independent Group office will conduct one Hustings for all positions open to ballot and a recording will be made available online. A link will be sent to all electors, unless they have opted out of group communications. This will be held on Friday 9 June as a hybrid event.
- The Independent Group office will distribute one campaigning item per week during the election period alongside a reminder to vote in the elections to all electors, unless they have opted out of group communications. The campaigning items can be in any format (e.g., link to a video, pdf poster, etc) that can be distributed electronically via email. It can be a single campaigning item distributed three times or three separate campaigning items, distributed as one campaigning item per week.
- The item included in the ballot link sent on Monday 5 June will be the first campaigning item, the second will be sent to voters on Monday 12 June and the third on Monday 19 June.
- The Independent Group office will issue a timetable for submission of the campaigning items with a list of formats and other requirements at the closure of the nominations. Should submissions not be received within the timetable or in a format that cannot be distributed electronically, they will not be distributed.
- No candidate may undertake or incur further expenses on campaigning in additional to the weekly communication sent by the Independent Group office at any time after the notice of election is published.
- Except for the single weekly communication, no LGA resources, including officer time, office facilities or resources should be used to support any campaigning by candidates.
- Lists of names and addresses of Independent Group Members will not and cannot be released to candidates for the purposes of the election, and any LGA-originating contact, contact lists, networks or communication platforms must not be used by candidates for campaigning. This would be in breach of the LGA Independent Group Constitution and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
- The weekly campaigning communication from the Independent Group office has been set up so that candidates do not need to find contact details of our members and to ensure the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR), which apply to all election campaigning, can be adhered to.
- To ensure our membership is not unwittingly breaching the LGA Independent Group constitution at section 6.4 of the procedures for elections which states: nor may they, or any 3rd party on their behalf, contact, post on social media or send any additional material to electors, relating to the election, by any means the RO accepts that members may wish to discuss the election using an online platform and may wish to encourage and remind members of the Independent Group to vote. However, there should not be the creation and distribution of what could be considered campaigning material in addition to what has been distributed by the Group Office on behalf of candidates.
The returning officer
- The Independent Group Executive Committee has appointed Claire Holloway, Head of Corporate Services at the LGA as the Returning Officer (RO) for the Group Elections 2023.
- The RO drew a timetable for the election covering the receipt of nominations, dispatch and return of online ballot papers and the counting of the votes for each post being contested. This timetable is set out in section 4 below.
- The decision of the RO must maintain impartiality and integrity, and it will be final.
- All Election related queries must be directed to the RO:
Claire Holloway
Email: [email protected]
Election timetable
Date | Event |
Friday 5 May | Publication of Notice of Election in Bulletin and online |
Tuesday 9 May | Nomination papers available online |
Wednesday 10 May | Publication of Notice of Election in First Magazine e-bulletin |
Monday 15 May | RO to email Group membership on election process |
Friday 26 May | Advertisement in First magazine |
Monday 29 May by 5pm | Deadline for receipt of nomination papers via email |
Tuesday 30 May by Midday | RO to email the Provisional Statement of Persons Nominated to all candidates |
Tuesday 30 May by 5pm | Deadline for withdrawal of nomination papers |
Wednesday 31 May by 5pm | Publication of Statement of Persons Nominated |
Thursday 1 June | RO online briefing meeting with candidates |
Monday 5 June |
START OF ELECTION PERIOD Email of unique ballot link, with first campaign material, and start pre-election period and associated restrictions |
Friday 9 June | Independent Group Hustings |
Monday 12 June | Second Group Office campaign mail out |
Monday 19 June | Third Group Office campaign mail out |
Monday 26 June, 5pm | Deadline for ballot |
Tuesday 27 June | Count and independent verification of count |
Tuesday 27 June 2pm | Conference call with RO to confidentially confirm results with candidates |
Tuesday 4 July | Declaration of election results at Independent Group AGM as part of the LGA Annual Conference |
What will be expected of office holders
All office holders should be familiar with the LGA Articles of Association, Governance Framework and Forward Plan | Local Government Association
Independent Group Leader / LGA Vice-Chairman
As Group Leader
- As Leader of the Local Government Association (LGA) Independent Group you will be expected to raise the profile of the Independent Group and its members consistently and effectively both within the LGA and externally, at local and national government level and with partner organisations as appropriate to further the cause of local government in England and Wales.
- You will be expected to follow the principles of the LGA Independent Group Constitution and the Performance Protocol for members.
- You will be expected to attend meetings of LGA Board as scheduled and potentially at short notice, as well as meetings of the Executive Advisory Board, Councillors’ Forum, IDeA Board, Informal Group Leaders and Independent Group Executive Committee. Attendance at additional meetings will be required as arranged.
- You will be invited to high level receptions and briefings from time to time and you will be expected to engage with our Vice-Presidents. In addition, travel throughout England and Wales is required for attendance at meetings of Independent Group members and for the Group’s Annual Conference(s).
- You will be expected to be LGA media-trained and will be required to attend press and broadcast media sessions from time to time, give evidence to All Party Parliamentary Groups and on rare occasions, to give evidence to a Parliamentary Select Committee.
- You will be expected to support and respond to queries and requests from the Group Office to coordinate scheduling, agendas, and attendance at meetings, including regular meetings with Council Leaders, and in providing a steer on high-level Group policy positions and the Independent Group Business Plan. You will be expected to meet regularly with the Chief Executive of the LGA.
- Taking advice from the Deputy Group Leader and Group Treasurer, you will propose Independent Group members to be invited to sit on the Group’s Executive Committee, determine Independent Group appointments to LGA Boards, Committees and Commissions, as well as Outside Bodies.
- You will work with the Deputy Leader and the Treasurer as the Independent Group Leadership on key issues affecting the Group, including interviews for roles, and ensuring adherence by members involved in the LGA to LGA conduct protocols.
- You will be expected to answer all email, meeting invitations, hard copy and telephone correspondence promptly. You will be expected to provide articles for a variety of publications as they arise within the LGA and the Independent Group, including the Independent Group Bulletin. You will be asked to attend some evening and weekend events.
- The Group Leader will provide a summary of their activity to go in the Group’s annual report.
As LGA Vice-Chairman
- The Group Leader of the Independent Group is also a Vice Chair of the LGA and a member of its Board of Directors (the LGA Board). The LGA Board directs the LGA's activities, business and strategic priorities, ensuring that it meets its objects and powers set out in the company Articles of Association.
- As a member of the LGA Board, you will contribute to the development of the strategic direction of the LGA and its associated companies in consultation with the other Office Holders, the LGA Executive and the Chief Executive, taking into account the best use of resources.
- You will be required to work with the Chairman and other Office Holders of the LGA in advancing the interests and policies of the Association through public comment, debate and participation in meetings, conferences and other events. You may on occasions be asked to Deputise for the Chairman, as principal representative of the Association
- You will be expected to develop and maintain effective relations with the political parties within the Independent Group at national, regional and member authority level.
- As Group Leader, you will be responsible for progressing the LGA’s policies within the Independent Group and for clearing and commenting on draft positions, papers and media releases as requested.
- As well as meetings of the LGA Board, you will attend and contribute at meetings of the General Assembly, the IDeA Board, the Executive Advisory Board and Councillors’ Forum.
The role of Independent Group Leader currently carries a remuneration of £31,496 pa. This is set by the LGA and based on LGA proportionality figures.
Please note that under the current LGA Scheme of Allowances, you will not be entitled to additional remuneration should you be appointed to any other member structure within LGA. The delivery of Peer Support is also part of your remit.
Independent Deputy Leader / Deputy Chair of the LGA
- The Deputy Leader of the Independent Group is also a Deputy Chair of the LGA and a Member of its Board of Directors (the LGA Board). The LGA Board directs the LGA's activities, business and strategic priorities, ensuring that it meets its objects and powers set out in the company Articles of Association.
- As a Director of the Association, you are expected to be active in advancing the interests and policies of the Association through public comment, debate and participation in meetings, conferences and other events
- You will be expected to develop and maintain effective relations with Independents and the relevant political parties at national, regional and member authority level.
- You will be expected to attend and contribute at meetings of the General Assembly, LGA Board, Executive Advisory Board and Councillors’ Forum.
- As Deputy Leader, you may be required to deputise for the Group Leader, sometimes at short notice, in respect of any or all the duties, activities and responsibilities.
- You will be expected to follow the principles of the LGA Independent Group Constitution and the Performance Protocol for members.
- You will be required to support the Group Leader in the process of appointment of members to the various LGA Governance Structures and Outside Bodies, every year.
- The Deputy Group Leader will be expected to attend meetings of the Independent Group Executive.
- You will be expected to support and respond to queries and requests from the Group Office to coordinate scheduling, agendas, and attendance at meetings, and in providing a steer on high-level Group policy positions and the Independent Group Business Plan.
- You will work with the Leader and the Treasurer as the Independent Group Leadership on key issues affecting the Group, including interviews for Peer roles and ensuring adherence by members involved in the LGA to LGA conduct protocols.
The role of Independent Group Deputy Leader currently carries a remuneration of £8,908 pa. This is set by the LGA and based on LGA proportionality figures. Please note that under the current LGA Scheme of Allowances, you will not be entitled to additional remuneration should you be appointed to any other member structure within LGA. The delivery of Peer Support is also part of your remit.
Independent Group Treasurer
- The Treasurer of the Independent Group will be responsible for maintaining an overview of the Group’s budget. You will work with the Head of Office on budget issues and report issues arising to the meetings of the Independent Group Executive Committee.
- The Group Treasurer will approve the setting of budgets each year and raise any queries on the management of the budget promptly with the Head of Office, approve and communicate to other members of the Independent Executive Group any changes in the management of the budget as they may occur.
- You will be expected to follow the principles of the LGA Independent Group Constitution and the Performance Protocol for members.
- Occasionally, the Group Treasurer will be asked to attend meetings and engage in some or all of the other activities, responsibilities and duties outlined above for both the Group Leader and Deputy Group Leader, in the absence of both these representatives.
- You will join the Group Leader and Deputy Leader in finalising group appointments to LGA member structures.
- The Treasurer will be expected to attend meetings of the Independent Group Executive Committee.
- You will be expected to support and respond to queries and requests from the Group Office to coordinate scheduling, agendas, and attendance at meetings, and in providing a steer on high-level Group policy positions and the Independent Group Business Plan.
- You will work with the Leader and the Deputy Leader as the Independent Group Leadership on key issues affecting the Group, including interviews for Peer roles and ensuring adherence by members involved in the LGA to LGA conduct protocols.
Please note that at the current time there is no remuneration from the LGA or the Independent Group for colleagues holding the office of Treasurer within the Independent Group. Expenses incurred in travelling to and from meetings are met from the Independent Group Budget or the LGA budget as appropriate. The post may receive remuneration if we have a third place on the LGA Executive Advisory Board, which the Group Treasurer usually takes up.
This resource is aimed at candidates running for the positions at the LGA Independent Group Office 2023 elections.
Campaign materials distributed by the Independent Group office
The formal election period will begin on Monday 5 June - 21 days before close of ballot. The following rules governing campaigning will apply from this date.
Candidates may submit the following campaign items to be included on the voting platform on which electors will access via the link to their unique ballot paper:
- Written Personal Statement (maximum two pages of A4) Required
- Campaign video (maximum two minutes-long) Optional
- Deadline for submitting material for the voting platform: 11am Monday 5 June 2023.
The Independent Group office will distribute one campaigning item per week during the election period alongside a reminder to vote in the elections to all electors, unless they have opted out of group communications:
- The campaigning items can be in any format that can be distributed electronically via email.
- This could include: links to a video (YouTube preferred platform), Twitter, an online article, a website, TikTok, Instagram, social media page, etc. This list is not exhaustive.
- Posters that are word or similar will need to be hosted on the LGA’s website and linked to – and as such need to meet the full accessibility requirements for LGA. Please avoid using PDF documents.
- If you are including a poster, you will also need to provide alternative text. This includes a description of text, colours and images. The Government Communication’s Service provides a useful ‘how-to’ on writing good alternative text descriptions. This is to ensure the LGA continues to meet its requirements for documents to meet the necessary accessibility standards.
- This can be a single campaigning item distributed three times or three separate campaigning items, distributed as one campaigning item per week.
- Deadline for submitting material for the Monday 12 June campaign email: 11am Friday 9 June.
- Deadline for submitting material for the 19 June Office campaign email: 11am Friday 16 June.
On Friday 9 June there will also be an Independent Group Hustings, held as a hybrid event, in which candidates will have the opportunity to:
- Give a 5-minute speech followed by a Q&A session.
- Candidates do not need to submit any material ahead of the hustings.
Deadlines and key dates
- Nomination papers online: Tuesday the 9 of May.
- Nomination papers close: Monday 29 May.
- Submission of material for Ballot Paper including personal statement and optional campaigning material: 11am Monday 5 June.
- Ballot papers sent out: Monday 5 June
- Independent Group Hustings: Friday 9 June
- Submission of material for Office Campaign Email: Friday 9 June 11am
- Office Campaign email: Monday 12June
- Submission of material for Office Campaign Email: Friday 16 June 11am
- Office Campaign email: Monday 19 June
Submitting campaign material
Please send your campaign items in a form that can be distributed electronically via email to the Returning Officer ([email protected]) with the phrase “Independent Group Elections Campaign material” in the subject box by the deadlines above. If they are received after this deadline they will not be used in the campaign email. The time stamp for the time the email is received will be used to verify it has been received before the deadline.
If you are submitting a video - once you have filmed the video on your phone, you will need to upload the video to YouTube. YouTube provides a useful guide and information on creating an account. For more guidance on uploading a video please watch the ‘How to Upload Video’s with YouTube Studio’ tutorial. Please also make sure you change the video privacy settings to the ‘Unlisted’ setting which means that only people who have the link can view the video. Please then send the Returning Officer the video link.
- The LGA’s Digitalisation Almanac provides simple steps, practical examples and resources for ensuring digital content is inclusive.
- We recommend that campaign videos have closed captions or a transcript. YouTube Help provides a useful walkthrough of how candidates can add subtitles and captions when uploading a video to YouTube.
Other campaigning/communications
- No candidate may undertake or incur further expenses on campaigning in additional to the weekly communication.
- During the election period all Group business will be communicated to Members via Independent Group officers. This includes all think tank activity.
- Lists of names and addresses of Independent Group Members will not and cannot be released to candidates for the purposes of the election, and any LGA-originating contact, contact lists, networks or communication platforms must not be used by candidates for campaigning. This would be in breach of the LGA Independent Group Constitution and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
- The weekly campaigning communication from the Independent Group office has been set up so that candidates do not need to find contact details of our members and to ensure the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR), which apply to all election campaigning, can be adhered to.
- To ensure our membership is not unwittingly breaching the LGA Independent Group constitution at section 6.4 of the procedures for elections which states: nor may they, or any 3rd party on their behalf, contact, post on social media or send any additional material to electors, relating to the election, by any means the RO accepts that members may wish to informally discuss the election in person, on the phone or using an online platform and may wish to encourage and remind members of the Independent Group to vote. However, there should not be the creation and distribution of what could be considered campaigning material in addition to what has been distributed by the Group Office on behalf of candidates.
Further resources
- The University of the West of Scotland has produced a helpful video explaining how to create impactful campaign materials.
- Debate Not Hate: The LGA’s debate not hate campaign aims to raise awareness of the role of councillors in their communities, encourage healthy debate and improve the responses and support for local politicians facing abuse and intimidation.
- Some creative inspiration for campaign videos produced by candidates for the Royal Holloway Student’s Union Elections.
- When are the LGA Independent Group Elections?
There is no single voting day, instead, the ‘formal election period’ officially begins on Monday 5 June and lasts for 21 days. - When will I receive my ballot paper?
All registered members of the LGA Independent Group will receive a unique voting link, sent to their email address registered with the LGA, from the start of the ‘formal election period’ which begins on Monday 5 June. - What am I voting for?
The elections are for the Leader of the LGA Independent Group, Deputy Leader of the Independent Group and Group Treasurer. - When is the deadline for voting?
The deadline for voting is no later than 5pm on Monday 26 June. - When voters click on the voting link they will be able to see a 2 sides of A4 document produced by the candidates. Does this have to be in portrait or can it be in landscape?
It can either be portrait or landscape. - I haven’t received my unique ballot link in my email. What should I do?
If you have not received an email containing your unique ballot link on Monday 5 June, we will reissue you with a new unique ballot link which will contain a new unique voter ID number to ensure there is no double counting of votes. If in the event, we come across the original email containing the original unique ballot link then this will be deleted to avoid duplication of votes. - Is there a schedule of allowances setting out the payments for the Group Leader, Deputy Leader and Treasurer?
Yes, for the Independent Group leadership roles:
LGA Independent Group Leader (and Vice-Chair of the LGA) - £32,769
LGA Independent Group Deputy Leader - £9,268
LGA Independent Group Treasurer – expenses covered
For further information, please check our guidance: Our leadership | Local Government Association
The LGA member scheme of allowances is also available here: LGA Members' Allowances Scheme | Local Government Association - When it comes to the signatures for the nomination form, is it acceptable to use ‘Docusign’ or does it need to be a wet signature or photo?
Using a software programme such as ‘Docusign’ is acceptable if you have access to that. Otherwise, a photo upload or a PDF document showing the candidate’s name and nomination signature(s) is acceptable. Signatures can also be scanned and inserted into the document. - Do I need to send in my four signatures (including mine) all in one go?
Provided we receive four signatures that are verified, yes, you can send in separate nomination forms from your nominating councillors. - I want to produce a video on behalf of a candidate promoting the upcoming Group Elections and encourage people to participate and vote. Is this allowed?
No. For the purposes of the Group Election, the only communication of campaigning material allowed is from the Group Office – so the Group Office sends out the campaign video/campaign item to all voting members. This applies from the start of the election period, 5th June.
Prior to the 5th, we are not in the election period, but the reason for this is to allow our leadership and peers to contact new councillors and help with change of control.
The Returning Officer accepts that members may wish to informally discuss the election in person, on the phone or using an online platform and may wish to encourage and remind members of the Independent Group to vote. However, there should not be the creation and distribution of what could be considered campaigning material in addition to what has been distributed by the Group Office on behalf of candidates. - I’m a candidate and I don’t have access to a contact list of electors in order to send out my campaign materials.
The Independent Group Office will send out all campaign material on behalf of the candidates. In doing so they will ensure that the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) are adhered to and that candidates have equal opportunity to reach all our Group Members. They will also ensure that all material is distributed in a way that maintains confidentiality. - If I want to remind Councillors, through our own email network, whatsapp group or closed Facebook group – to vote and remind them of our own internal recommendations, does this constitute “creation and distribution of what could be considered campaigning material in addition to what has been distributed by the Group Office on behalf of candidates?”
Reminding members to vote and reminding them of your group’s internal recommendations, would be acceptable under the rules, providing that you did not stray into directly urging members to vote for any one individual or individuals. - Is there a spending limit on campaigning?
No candidate may undertake or incur further expenses on campaigning in additional to the weekly communication sent by the Independent Group office at any time after the notice of election is published. - Will there be a hustings?
Yes, this will be a hybrid event taking place at the Local Government Association on Friday 9th June from 6pm until 7.30pm. To register to attend in person, please email the Group Office or if you are attending virtually, contact the Group Office to receive the zoom link. Candidates for all three positions will have an opportunity to address the audience and answer questions. - Are the Court of Aldermen and Alderwomen of the City of London Corporation eligible to vote?
Yes, except for five members who represent the Labour Party and are therefore not eligible to vote. - When will the count take place?
The count will take place on Tuesday 27th June. - What is the methodology being used to count the vote?
If there is more than one candidate, the voting method for each of the three positions will be ‘first past the post’. In other words, the candidate with the most votes wins. - Who is counting the vote?
As in the previous year, the vote is being done electronically and the LGA’s own research team will be counting the votes electronically. To ensure accuracy it will be further checked and verified independently. - What software platform is being used to count the vote electronically and can it be trusted?
The software platform being used by the LGA research team to count the votes is called Qualtrics. It is a well-known survey platform which can also be used for elections and other online forms. The LGA’s Research team has been using the platform to run elections for the political groups at the LGA since 2019, and it is a highly reliable and secure application. - When will the result be announced?
The declaration of the results will be announced at the Independent Group AGM as part of the LGA Annual Conference on Tuesday 4 July. - am not happy with the outcome, can I request a recount?
The decision of the Returning Officer must maintain impartiality and integrity, and it will be final. - Ok, so I’m interested in standing…what’s next?
Nomination forms and election guidance are available on the Independent Group website: Our leadership | Local Government Association.
The election guidance also includes the timetable for the election.
Past results
The Local Government Association (LGA) Independent Group announces elections results for the posts of Group Leader, Deputy Group Leader and Group Treasurer at the Group Annual General meeting today, Tuesday 6 July 2021, as part of the LGA Annual Conference.
Declaration of results
Cllr Marianne Overton, Group Leader
I am honoured to be continuing as Leader and thrilled that we are the only group to have elected two women at the top. We are a diverse group, leading and representing many communities across England and Wales. We will be listening to our members, and drawing on their huge talent and skills to help make local government the best it can be. Together with other government in the UK and Europe, we will be tackling huge challenges in climate change, protecting our natural world and creating a covid recovery that strengthens our economy, our environment and our communities. Further big challenges have been created for us by our own PM and cabinet - the sweeping away of local planning as we know it, government re-organisation and keeping services funded and local, including care.
Councillor Hannah Dalton, Deputy Leader
I am delighted to become Deputy Leader. I am looking forward to working with Marianne, Paul, the Executive as well as Independent councillors across England and Wales. As our group continues to grow, we represent diverse communities the length and breadth of the country. As a team we will actively engage and represent you to ensure that the voice of Independents is heard as we face the unique set of challenges post pandemic. We are committed to increasing the diversity across the our group, in its many forms, and ensuring that we bring forward new voices, talent and skill.
Councillor Paul Woodhead, Treasurer
I am looking forward to continuing to serve all my Independent Group colleagues with Marianne, Hannah and the whole Executive Team to ensure our collective views, aims and objectives are represented to make Local Government the priority of the National Government and our own budget is fully spent to build the unique voice of independent representation.