National network of member peers

The LGA Independent Group supports its members through a network of member peers who are experienced councillors. Our member peers work directly with our members and also through the LGA to support council improvement and continuous performance.

Peer challenge and peer support are fundamental parts of our offer to support self-regulation and sector-led improvement

Member peers are accredited and trained to support councils and their councillors with their improvement and learning by providing a 'practitioner perspective and 'critical friend' challenge.

Find out more about sector-led improvement the approach and the LGA Offer, including the opportunity for each council and fire and rescue service to have a corporate peer challenge, at no charge, once every three years.

Our network of national and regional lead peers are available for our members to contact to discuss issues they are experiencing as a councillor and/or with their council. In addition to our national and regional lead peers, we have experienced members peers from across the country with a range of interests and experiences who offer mentoring, peer challenge as part of the LGA’s Corporate Peer Challenge and other support to our members, organised through the LGA Independent Group Office.

The LGA Independent Group and its network of peers cannot give legal advice and we do not have legal support to offer our members. If you are members of a smaller political party or the Independent Network, please speak to your association or network. We recommend you speak with your Monitoring Officer in the first instance with any legal query you may have.