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Adult social care information and advice toolkit: Step 3. Tools and resources

This section contains an array of resources to help you to improve your information and advice service. Toolkit resources have been split into the 10 themes covered in the information and advice maturity assessment so councils can focus on the areas where they want to improve.

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We have identified a range of existing resources and created content to support you to improve your information and advice service for adult social care.

A wide range of resources is included. Some are specific to improving a council’s information and advice service and others provide more generic guidance around topics such as accessibility, development of online tools and reports of innovative approaches. They have been incorporated to provide you with an array of information and you can utilise the resources that are most beneficial to your organisation.

Information and advice toolkit resources

The information and advice maturity assessment (IAMA) is split into 10 themes and the resources below have been grouped to reflect these themes so councils can focus on areas for improvement. 

Each theme includes links to existing resources which councils can consider using – or can draw on to develop their own content - and questions for you to consider in developing that aspect of your service.

The themes are:

  1. Making it real
  2. Improving your information base
  3. Directory functionality
  4. Understanding your communities
  5. Providing information and advice online
  6. Providing information and advice offline
  7. People's experience of getting information and advice
  8. Engaging with other council services
  9. Engaging with external partners
  10. Strategic management

The adult social care information and advice community of practice on KHub holds a list of additional content which has been identified by stakeholders as needing to be developed further (and preferably co-produced). This will include case studies and blog posts about existing good practice, and we encourage councils to draw on and share learning through this forum.

Universal content

Engagement with councils and social care organisations has identified several areas where high quality universal content could be developed for councils to adopt or adapt to reflect their local offer. This would provide consistency for people accessing information and advice and reduce the need for councils to create their own material. It would allow for efficiency and economy of scale in terms of providing material in alternative formats and would be easier to update in the event of changes to legislation or national policy.

The community of practice on KHub will co-ordinate the full list of topic areas suggested for universal content. We welcome council views on this content and any other areas where universal or shared content would be helpful. We would also like to hear from councils who would like to help develop universal content.

Other programme resources

There have been a series of online events with guest speakers covering a range of topics linked to information and advice. We also established an information and advice community of practice, hosted on the Knowledge Hub (KHub).