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Specialist supported housing providers

This joint briefing note for clinical commissioning groups (CCG), local authority learning disability commissioners and Directors of Housing has been prepared by NHS England and NHS Improvement, the Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Care (ADASS).

You may be aware that the Social Housing Regulator has recently issued statements and findings related to a number of specialist housing providers. This briefing aims to update local authority (Social Care and Housing) and NHS Commissioners on the current position.

In Autumn 2018, a specialist supported housing provider (SSH) nearly went into insolvency prompting the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) to look more closely at other housing providers who operate a similar model. The regulator is concerned about the long-term financial viability of SSH providers who rely solely or heavily, on the lease-based model of housing supply. This is where SSH Providers enter into long-term lease arrangements with investors or developers to deliver housing rather than acquire or own the housing stock directly and the regulator has therefore found a number of these providers to be non-compliant with the Social Housing Regulatory Standards.

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Specialist supported housing providers