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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Public Health Grant allocations to local authorities 2025/26

The LGA welcomes increased funding in the short-term, but we also urge the Government to set out a long-term sustainable funding plan for public health as part of the Spending Review.

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Mental Health Bill, Committee Stage, House of Lords, 14 January 2025

Councils are key to identifying and addressing the social factors that may influence a person’s mental health. Such as between health inequalities, protected characteristics, socioeconomic deprivation, and poor mental health, however, resources limit the work that councils can do.

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Debate on the impact of food and diet on obesity, House of Commons, 13 January 2025

Obesity and diet-related health issues are one of the biggest public health challenges we face, with the cost of treating obesity-related ill health forecast to rise to £9.7 billion a year by 2050.

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Tobacco and Vapes Bill, Second Reading, House of Commons, 26 November 2024

The LGA believes this is a progressive piece of legislation that would undoubtedly impact on smoking prevalence and ultimately reduce rates of smoking-related disease.

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Budget debate: Fixing the NHS and reforming public services, House of Commons, 5 November 2024

It is encouraging that the Chancellor has announced £1.3 billion of extra funding, through the local government finance settlement, for the next financial year. Together with council tax flexibilities and locally-retained business rates, this will provide a real-terms increase in total core spending power in 2025/26 of around 3.2 per cent. This will help meet some, but not all, of the significant pressures in adult and children’s social care and homelessness support.

Debate on the state of social care in England, and the case for a comprehensive social care strategy and further support for unpaid carers, House of Lords, 10 October 2024

There must be joint work with an incoming government to reform – in coproduction with people drawing on care and support – the approach to adult social care, and better joint working between the NHS and local government to support people.

View allAdult social care articles

Westminster Hall Debate, Fly Tipping, 3 September 2024

Fly-tipping is inexcusable. It is not only an eyesore for residents, but a serious public health risk, creating pollution and attracting rats and other vermin. We are calling on Government to remove the cap on fixed penalty notices.

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Kinship Care Strategy

The LGA welcomes investment in training and support for all kinship carers, and hope that the lessons learnt from piloting Family Network Support Packages will be swiftly shared. It will be important for the national kinship strategy to also recognise the role of partners in supporting kinship arrangements.

View allChildren's social care articles
View allMental health articles

Tobacco and Vapes Bill, Second Reading, House of Commons, 16 April 2024

The LGA believes this is a progressive piece of legislation that would undoubtedly impact on smoking prevalence and ultimately reduce rates of smoking-related disease. We look forward to working with the Government and others to enforce this ban as well as ensure plans for a smokefree generation are a success.

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Debate on the role of schools in caring for mental health and wellbeing of pupils and their development as community and family members

School-based counselling and mental health support needs to be fully funded by the Government in all state-funded secondary schools and academies, to help support rising numbers of children and young people reporting mental health issues.

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View allEducation and schools articles

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