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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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LGA submission to DHSC’s consultation on the Care Workforce Pathway, May 2023

The LGA can see the potential benefits of the Care Workforce Pathway for adult social care but, in order to realise them, consideration must be given to the issues raised below. By working together to address these issues, we are hopeful that the pathway can be a success and deliver some of the changes that are needed to bolster this critical workforce.

View allAdult social care articles

Illegal Migration Bill Committee Stage, House of Lords, 24 May 2023

Local government would welcome discussions with Government on potential impacts on councils of the Illegal Migration Bill. A Committee of the Whole House will take place in the House of Lords from 24 May 2023.

View allCommunities articles

Community safety partnerships review and anti- social behaviour powers consultation: LGA response, May 2023

LGA's response to the Community safety partnerships review and anti- social behaviour powers consultation.

View allCommunity safety articles

Non-Domestic Rating Bill, Committee Stage, House of Commons, latest Amendments, May 2023

The Non-Domestic Rating Bill implements a number of changes to the system of non-domestic rates (known as business rates) in England and Wales.

LGA response to DfE consultation: Stable Homes, Built on Love

It is helpful to acknowledge the multi-agency nature of child protection work. By including this as one of the pillars, we hope to see more done to hold partners to account, for example ensuring that children and families can access appropriate mental health services where this is key to keeping them safe and well. There is no reference within these pillars to the importance of properly resourcing the system.

View allChildren and young people articles

LGA submission to Ofgem’s Consultation on Future of local energy institutions and governance, May 2023

Councils want to work as partners with central government, and Ofgem, to tackle climate change with a focus on transitioning to net zero.

Debate on alternatives to council tax and stamp duty, House of Commons, 17 May 2023

This briefing outlines LGA policy on council tax and council tax reform and also highlights work commissioned by the LGA on council tax and alternative forms of funding for local government.

View allHousing and planning articles

HM Treasury review of non-investment asset valuations

The valuation of non-investment assets for financial reporting purposes has been a contributory factor to the current crisis in local audit and how the valuation of such assets is audited is an area that needs to be addressed if the crisis is to be solved. Clearly how the assets are valued in the first place is an important step in that and we are in broad agreement with the proposals in the consultation for most asset classes. However, the proposals for valuing networked assets (usually called “infrastructure assets” in local authorities) will cause significant problems and additional costs for councils and we suggest that an alternative and more practical approach should be taken to valuing them.

Houses in Multiple Occupation (Asylum-Seeker Accommodation)(England) Regulations 2023, House of Lords, 16 May 2023

Houses in Multiple Occupancy (HMO) licensing requirements sets out the national minimum standards that HMO accommodation must meet to ensure the safety and quality of accommodation.

Victims and Prisoners Bill - House of Commons Second Reading, 15 May 2023

We support the Government’s ambition to improve the service and support that victims receive, and hope that the Victims and Prisoners Bill and related non-legislative measures will help to improve victims’ confidence to report crimes and seek justice, as well as to rebuild their lives.

View allCommunity safety articles

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Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

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