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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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line of coins with shadows

Resolution Foundation report on council tax – LGA statement

“Councils recognise that having to increase council tax, to bring in desperately needed funding, places yet more financial burden on households. We remain clear to government that it is not the answer to meeting long-term pressures."

View all Cost of living articles
Building site showing the foundations of a new housing estate

LGA Responds to IPPR Report on unbuilt homes

“In order to deliver the homes we need, Government must work with councils and the housebuilding industry to ensure there is a suitable pipeline of sustainable sites, which once allocated in a Local Plan and / or given planning permission, are indeed built out."

A rainy British highstreet with shops bustling

Spending Review: Councils could face £8bn funding black hole by 2028/29

Without urgent action in the upcoming Spending Review, not only will many councils be left with having to make impossible choices on what desperately needed services they can provide in the future, but the opportunity that this moment presents on boosting growth and reform may be missed.


National Procurement Policy Statement – LGA response

“This statement aligns with councils’ own missions of boosting local inclusive growth, creating jobs, supporting small businesses and championing innovation."

View all Sector-led improvement articles

LGA response to MHCLG announcement on social housing

“It is positive that the Government has acted on our call to increase funding for the Affordable Homes Programme and Local Authority Housing Fund."

A child having a tooth removed

Oral health survey of five-year-old children – LGA response

“Tooth decay is largely preventable, yet it remains the most common oral disease affecting children and young people across England.

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Pathways to Planning blue logo

LGA to provide salary grants for local authorities through Pathways to Planning scheme

“We urge councils to seize this opportunity with both hands, it’s a great way to bring in excellent talent at the exact right time."

Young children playing together in nursery

‘Vital government sets out reform for SEND system in Spending Review’ – LGA on EPI report on SEND support in schools

“It is vital government sets out its plans for reform of the SEND system in the upcoming Spending Review.

View allChildren and young people articles
Pound cells with different numbers on it

The LGA has sent its submission to HM Treasury as part of the UK Government’s Spending Review

The LGA's submission provides a clear business case for increased investment, financial support and a package of measures to give our members more tools to help communities thrive.

line of coins with shadows

Public Health Grant – LGA response

“We are pleased the Government has increased the public health grant for councils, acting on our concerns over the significant funding pressures public health teams have been under to maintain vital services such as sexual health services, smoking cessation programmes and drug treatment.

View allPublic health articles