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Active Friends

The programme offers small group training for six to eight people. The idea is that six friends access the programme and are ‘taught’ by a personal trainer how to train together as a group using any equipment and any venue. They then are encouraged to continue this after the six-week programme to provide support and motivation for one another

The challenge

Tackle the fact that women persistently remain less active than men.

Find a way for people to exercise long term whilst removing barriers such as:

  • cost
  • low confidence
  • lack of education
  • no venue
  • resistance to attending ‘traditional offers’
  • transport.

The solution

A small group six-week training programme that:

  • can be done anywhere such as a garden, the park, a driveway, a garage etc
  • is a welcoming and supportive environment
  • caters for all types of ladies of all abilities
  • is developed in a way that is inclusive and manageable whilst being reasonably challenging
  • is fun and interactive
  • is educational and empowering
  • is social and allows ladies to train with friends
  • gives ladies the knowledge, skills and confidence to continue to exercise beyond six weeks.

Although this programme is not restricted to women only, it is designed in a way that many women will find appealing and tackles many of the barriers to physical activity that women face.

The impact

One participant lost 1st 4lb going from 16st 8lb to 15st 4lb and another lost 9lbs.

Another participant told us she has regained confidence with exercise as she has struggled with weight since her second child, the group has been a massive support to her, and she lost 10lb.

All of those in the group in the pictures lost weight and continued beyond the initial six sessions, they have merged with one of the other Active Friends groups, meeting twice per week. They initially hated exercise and going to a gym or what they would call a “normal exercise class” was unthinkable. They really noticed the difference that exercise made to coping mentally with everyday life.

“Active friends is great! I get to try a variety of exercise classes that I may not have chosen to go to at a gym! It’s great to have variety, the drive from the instructor to try a bit harder each week and the fun social aspect the great group of ladies bring. I love going along to these, it has got me out of a no exercise rut and I feel a million times better.”

2023-24 Coalville Group

100 per cent of participants increased their physical activity on a weekly basis.

100 per cent of participants enjoyed the class.

Participant quotes:

I never really did exercise classes before, and it was great to do it with people I know. I have continued to do the exercise session as well engaging with the Let’s Get Moving Step into Fitness kettlebell session at the community centre. I would love if another class started on the estate.”

Kirstie Leanne

It gave me so much confidence and it was something for me having three young children, also a bit of stress release doing the boxing was really good as I don’t have hardly any spare time.”

Beth Loyd

So I’ve lost two stone, improved my fitness, I can squat better, can do a V sit hold. Don’t feel embarrassed in group if I can’t do something and the instructor adapted and explained everything as well as making it a laugh.”

Jane Reid

How is the new approach being sustained?

The ladies continue to meet and train together beyond the six weeks.

The Coalville group are also accessing our Step into Fitness class increasing their physical activity levels further.

Lessons learned

The Coalville group was set up at a time of unprecedented weather, with continuous downpours which hampered outdoor training. Therefore, we hired a venue to deliver the six sessions. Without this approach the sessions were a nonstarter. Therefore, without good weather the programme can be restrictive or expensive.

As a result, the Coalville group is not as confident to train on its own, but accessing another of our programmes has supported them to remain active/engaged.

The Ashby group was happy to continue and had access to a garage in poor weather conditions.

Keeping the class focused on fun rather than being goal orientated works really well – they then inadvertently reach or work towards their goals.


Emma Knight

Email: [email protected]