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The Legacy Project – Empowering women in wrestling

British Wrestling formed The Legacy Project in 2022 to provide grassroots support to communities to help get them involved in wrestling. This has seen female and interfaith connections created through establishing wrestling groups for women, whilst making wrestling more accessible to those from diverse backgrounds.

The challenge

There are a lack of female coaches which hinders the access of other women and girls to the sport. Women from diverse backgrounds can also face cultural barriers surrounding perceptions of femininity and gendered expectations such as modesty which are at odds with combat sports. This combined with few women being involved in the sport causes a lack of representation and acceptance. Access to financial support, facilities, and resources are also significant barriers.  

The solution 

Actions have been taken to increase awareness of the benefits of female wrestling. There have also been moves to increase the number of female coaches and the wider workforce to offer more support to female wrestlers and coaches through networking events and brainstorming sessions.

Examples of successful wrestling groups include the Bajah Initiative in Accrington, Lancashire, where an Islamic faith centre sought to improve its local community, and as part of this brought wrestling into the mosque’s curriculum. This widened the accessibility of the sport, and 75 girls participate weekly in one of the most deprived areas of the UK.

The impact

The sport is gradually becoming better known to the public. There are successful examples of getting girls to be more active, whilst forming female and interfaith connections. 

How is the new approach being sustained?: 

It is being sustained by funding 12 national projects with initial set up costs, and by supporting the training of female coaches to continue with the growth of female wrestling.

Lessons learned

The need for cultural awareness and respect across the sporting industry for sports to be truly inclusive. It also raised the importance culturally diverse sports role models.

Contact: [email protected] 

Further information:

group pictures of participants


Group participants in sports hall