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Adult social care information and advice toolkit: Theme 9. Engaging with external partners

This page considers the external partners who may be involved with – or may be able to help and support – people seeking information and advice.

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This theme considers the external partners who may be involved with – or may be able to help and support – people seeking information and advice.

External partners include NHS services, charities, and other voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) organisations. Charities and VCFSE organisations have a particular role to play, as they may have a closer and more trusted relationship with people needing information and advice, or they may have particular insight into what makes someone tick and how they might respond to information and advice.

VCFSE organisations may also have an occasional or ongoing advocacy role where they help people challenge decisions made by ASC. Their independence in this role must obviously be respected, but they may be able to provide an insight into areas which give rise to challenge so they can be addressed.

Engagement with the NHS also needs careful consideration, including the ICB, primary care (GPs and social prescribers), and hospital discharge teams. It is important to ensure that your NHS colleagues are offering information and advice that is consistent with yours. For example, at the point someone is discharged from hospital their top priority may be to free up a hospital bed rather than to help the person make an informed choice about what happens next.

Some councils commission VCFSE partners to provide phone and/or face-to-face access to information and advice. Forging a close and trusted relationship is an enabler for success.

Points to consider

Would someone sitting in their GP’s waiting room see any information about adult social care and support? What information would you be particularly keen to share with them at that moment?